
会计学术联盟 |国内学者国际顶级期刊-forthcoming|Kangtao Ye,Hang Liu et al.

2016-02-07 水皮编辑 会计学术联盟




Individual Investors’ Dividend Tax and Corporate PayoutPolicies

Oliver Zhen Li

National University of Singapore

Hang Liu

Dongbei University of Finance and Economics

Chenkai Ni

National University of Singapore

Kangtao Ye

Renmin University of China  School of Business

April 11, 2014



Abstract: The 2012 Dividend Tax Reform in China uniquely ties individual investors’ dividend tax rates to the length of their share holding period. We find that firms facing a reduction in their individual investors’ dividend tax rate are more likely to increase dividend payout, initiate dividends, and areless likely to omit dividends, compared with firms facing an increase in their individual investors’ dividend tax rate. Such an effect is concentrated infirms with a low level of agency cost. In addition, investors respond to this tax law change by reducing trading activities before the cum-dividend day to avoid entering into a higher dividend tax bracket. Further, stock return patterns on the ex-dividend day suggest that reduced trading activities lower the marginal investor’s dividend tax penalty. Overall, our evidence enhances the notion that individual investors’ tax profiles shape firms’ payout policies.

Keywords: individual investor, dividend tax, payout policy, agency cost

JEL Classification: G30, G35, H20

http://ssrn.com/abstract=2424666 orhttp://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2424666





1. Oliver Li, Hang Liu, Chenkai Ni, and Kangtao Ye,Individual Investors’ Dividend Tax and Corporate Payout Policies, Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis,即将发表。

2. Rongli Yuan, Yingli Cheng, and Kangtao Ye*, Auditor industry specialization and discretionary accruals: The role of client strategy, The International Journal of Accounting,即将发表。

3. Kangtao Ye*, 2014. Independent director cashcompensation and earnings management, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy33, 391-400.

4. Jiwei Wang, and Kangtao Ye*, 2015: Media Coverageand Firm Valuation, Journal of Business Ethics,127,501-511.

5. Sunny Sun, Jigao Zhu, and Kangtao Ye*, 2015: Board Openness during an Economic Crisis, Journal of Business Ethics.

6. Jiwei Wang, and Kangtao Ye*, 2014: Managerial Agency Costs of Socialistic Internal Capital Markets: Empirical Evidence from China,Journal of International Financial Management and Accounting, 25(1): 1-37.

7. Kangtao Ye and Ran Zhang, 2011. Do lenders value corporate social responsibility? Evidence from China, Journal of Business Ethics 104,197-206.

8. Zhang Ran, Lu Zhengfei, Ye Kangtao,2010:“Howdo Firms React to the Prohibition of Long-lived Asset Impairment Reversals?Evidence from China”, Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 29, pp424-438。


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